Iconic: Icons & Pictograms in Design Today

Icons and pictograms, born out of a necessity for efficient communication, have become indispensable tools shaping our digital world, transcending language barriers and providing a visual shorthand for complex ideas. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, brands communicate through a fusion of visual and verbal elements, catering to the brevity of texting and social media, as symbols, pictograms, and visual shortcuts take center stage. Explore this dynamic evolution of visual communication in ‘Iconic: Icons and Pictograms in Design Today’.

Design: Counter-Print
Size: 210x297mm
Pages: 200
Publication: 2024
Binding: Softbound book

— You can get the book here
— More about the published projects: Forage & Gold, Queenstown Airport, Mountain Club


MAKEBARDO is a New Zealand, Queenstown-based design studio run by Bren Imboden and Luis Viale. As a creative duo, we make conceptual and strategic work for local and international clients. Our aim is to partner with people looking to develop meaningful brands.

The studio has been specializing in brand identity and packaging design. Whether your project is independent or commercial, small or big, we always are willing to hear your story and see if we can collaborate to develop your project, so please do not hesitate to drop us a line.


Los Angeles— Coming Soon


Asia-Pacific Design No. 19